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Global Partnership With Dale Carnegie Training Announced Learning Transfer Solutions To Be Their So... more

To ROI--Or Not To ROI?   Yes, It Can Be Done Practically and Economically!   For as lo... more

How Are We Measuring PERFORMANCE RESULTS From Training?   The One Question Every Training Org... more

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Archived Newsletter

5-Measure Learning Transfer

Our approach to measuring learning transfer is the easiest in the business.  The real key is having good behavioral objectives written.  We don't support self-ratings of performance because their validity is questionable.  We use the commonly accepted approach of having the participant's supervisor provide the performance rating.  It typically only takes a few minutes for supervisors to complete the assessment.

There is an old saying that in organizations "what is measured becomes important."  Most organizations know that they should be measuring transfer, but don't know how.  With TransferLogixTM it is easy enough to do with EVERY training program. Imagine the impact on your organization if you had the following type of report available for every training program. Wow, what a difference it would make!


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