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Global Partnership With Dale Carnegie Training Announced Learning Transfer Solutions To Be Their So... more

To ROI--Or Not To ROI?   Yes, It Can Be Done Practically and Economically!   For as lo... more

How Are We Measuring PERFORMANCE RESULTS From Training?   The One Question Every Training Org... more

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Company Overview

 Our Vision: To Revolutionize Learning Transfer

Learning Transfer is the #1 problem in training today.  Most estimates are that only 10 - 30% of training transfer into job performance which creates a TRILLION DOLLAR TRAINING PROBLEM in the U.S. (for details visit our forum).

Learning Transfer Solutions is dedicated to solving that problem.  After 30 years in the training business as both academics and practitioners, we have realized that until we solve the transfer of training problem, training will never be the strategic advantage that it should be.  We have dedicated the last 15 years to a program of research to develop practical tools to help organizations fix the transfer of learning problem, including our world-reknowned Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI).  Now, we have launched to bring these solutions to the world.

Our products and services are unmatched by anyone else in the world. All our solutions are based on the latest research and best evidence--but are practical, easy and affordable.  TransferLogix, our latest creation, brings the power of Web 2.0 tools to solve the transfer problem.

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